Rig update

OK, the term “update” is not quite the word when you have never actually detailed your rig in the first place or posted a single word in eight months – but anyway! Here we go.


The main pedalboard currently looks like this (I apologise for the broken glare protection on my phone):


Earthquaker Devices Sound Shank v2 fuzz
smallsound/bigsound Buzzz fuzz
Dunlop volume pedal
BYOC Mega Chorus/Vibrato
Strymon El Capistan delay (on loan, M-Audio expression pedal controls feedback)
Fairfield Circuitry Barbershop overdrive (used as a clean boost)
Mooer Trelicopter tremolo
tc electronic Flashback delay

I have been slowly “downsizing” as it is called, taking things off on by one to see if I missed them. Clearly I cannot live without fuzz and delay so far… And I need to get something smaller to put the pedals on as the current board takes up way too much floor area.

Looping section


After the pedalboard the signal travels here where it first meets the Ibanez LS10 Line Selector which is currently serving as an A/B selector. When the pedal is off, the signal travels to the Top Boost signal on my Vox AC15C1 amplifier and when it is on, the signal goes into the Echoplex looper. The output from this goes into the smallsound/bigsound Fuck Overdrive and the Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Boy delay and then on to the Normal channel on the amplifier. This part is still quite ad-hoc and far more a proof of concept than any final product: I intend to rework it quite extensively in the future.



A 2007 Hagström Swede reissue with a whole bunch of modifications.

Hardware changes: Bigsby B3 bridge (the install of which I have detailed in an earlier post); Dunlop straplocks.

Electronics changes: Fatboy Guitars Super-Dry humbuckers; master volume on lower horn + individual tone controls (CTS pots); miniswitch for master kill; momentary button switch for master kill.

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